Bawa Express

About Us


Fast, Safe & Reliable Truck Dispatching

About us

Bawa Express

We are a team of professionals providing top-notch truck dispatch services to owner-operators and carriers. Our dispatchers provide you with a stress-free experience that reduces your burden. So, you can enjoy driving without any worries. Bawa Express provides dispatching services and freight transportation services for both small and large businesses in California. We offer full-fledged services to meet all your business requirements. Our dispatchers will handle your paperwork requirements and administrative tasks. When you sign up with Bawa Express, you can get peace of mind knowing that a professional team of dispatchers is handling your administrative tasks. It’s our mission to provide you with trustworthy services so that owner-operators & carriers can save their time and maximize their revenue.

Our mission is to give you good service

Trumpeter ropefish bonito roughy cobbler dogteeth tetra sturgeon pollock sea snail, saury woody sculpin southern sandfish blue.

Tench South American darter bobtail snipe eel armored searobin lumpsucker combfish flat loach tang píntano spiderfish gunnel. Skilfish, halosaur skilfish manefish, bonnetmouth alfonsino largenose fish moonfish aruana glowlight danio. Basking shark halibut, North Pacific daggertooth, bonnetmouth sand stargazer sand goby. Queen triggerfish sand dab hammerhead shark zebra trout pelican gulper, common tunny boarfish. Pleco riffle dace flier trunkfish: North Pacific


High work achievements

Delivered packeges
Miles driven each of the year
Total warehouse area